Benefits, uses and side effects of Karuppu Kavuni rice (Black Rice/Forbidden Rice)

Black rice, also known as forbidden rice or purple rice, is a nutritious variety of rice primarily grown in Asia. It is deep purple-black in color and is called  “forbidden” rice or emperor’s rice that was once reserved only for Chinese emperors. Today, the health benefits of black rice are gaining worldwide popularity. Anthocyanin pigments give the rice its dark color and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. 

Compared to white rice, black rice is higher in protein, antioxidants, and fiber. This nutritious and delicious rice can provide various health benefits, from reducing inflammation to protecting heart health. Though once a forbidden delicacy, black rice is now more accessible for people to enjoy its visual appeal, rich taste, and nutritional value.

Black rice provides many digestive benefits, including a high amount of dietary fiber that promotes gut health, healthy weight maintenance, and improved digestion.

Adding black rice to your diet provides an easy way to incorporate more disease-protecting antioxidants. Black rice helps lower weight and prevent cancer. It also improves brain, liver, and heart health while benefiting asthma and eye health.

For persons with gluten sensitivities or Celiac disease, black rice is a safe and nutritious alternative to wheat because it is naturally gluten-free. Black rice has a lower glycemic index, so it has less impact on blood sugar. This makes black rice a delicious option for gluten-free diets as well as for people managing diabetes or blood sugar levels.

Unlike white rice, black rice retains its outer bran layer, which contains higher levels of nutrients and antioxidants. With fewer calories per serving than most other grains, black rice is a nutritious, low-calorie choice for healthy eating and weight management.

Black rice contains a lot of fiber, so eating large amounts may lead to gastrointestinal problems like stomach upset, gas, and bloating. It’s best to consult your doctor before adding black rice to your regular diet.

It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor regarding your health or a medical condition.

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